Advice Neighbors dog won't stop howling

Jul 17, 2015
If you aint a 10 you're a 9.9
All day long and sometimes until 2 or 3 am. They leave their husky outside and all the fucker does is howl. I have tried going to their fence to calm him down. I have tried talking to the neighbors to keep him inside because that is when he shuts up. One night at 4am after not being able to sleep i called the cops and nothing was done.

It has gotten to the point where tomorrow i am going to buy a dog whistle and just blow the shit out of it until the dog shuts up. I am worried that even if i do it outside it may still bother my dog.
one time the dog was outside for 3 days howling nonstop. i went and looked over their fence and it had no water or food and its chain was tangled around a tree so it couldonly move a few feet
I hate these people. There are animal welfare services you could call and get them in trouble.
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I'd check how they handle things in his municipality before getting the law involved. Some places the dog will go to the pound and end up in the gas chamber if somebody doesn't pick him up in some ridiculously short amount of time. 3 days used to be common and probably still is some places.

"no kill" shelter just means they won't kill him at that location. If they have trouble getting him adopted out or just need the room they'll just transfer him to some other pound that will put em down.

Lots of hocus pocus goes on with that feel-good no kill stuff.
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Blast it with piss.
It's not the dog's fault. Turds. Not even funny because that's what some assholes would do

We have similar problem - the dog doesn't howl but yeah, 247 "Bailey" will bark if she hears something, even in the middle of winter. Tied to a porch post on a 20-30 chain about 500' away. Food & water but only a piece of carpet to lay on. I can see her from my front door. Cute dog with short coat brown/black/white pied - hound and boxer mix would be my guess.
Like hips said, she might be killed if reported. I'd prefer to just adopt her. We never do that crap to our dogs. Owners who do that need to be chained outside for a night.
Don’t call the cops. Call the Humane Society and if they can’t help you, ask them for ideas of who to call. Maybe the ASPCA. No, that isn’t the colored folks’ society.

If the dog is without food and water, and if they happen to have too much shit in their yard, they’ll take steps to remove the pooch or warn them. I did it to a neighbor once, and everything was dandy afterward but that was 30 years ago and people generally don’t give a fuck anymore about community services, so they’re likely underfunded and can’t help either. Congrats.
one time the dog was outside for 3 days howling nonstop. i went and looked over their fence and it had no water or food and its chain was tangled around a tree so it couldonly move a few feet
Fuck... take pictures/video of what you see to provide some evidence, and report the dog's condition of care to animal control so it can get seized. A dog can't be living in those conditions, full stop.

The owners are gonna be pissed off and upset, but fuck them, this is their own fault not yours. The dog will adopted out to someone else and it'll have a better life than it has now.

Plus you'll get the "yay I saved a dog" good feeling.