WTF Bad boys, Bad boys, whatcha gonna do

Wot??? I have questions! Is the ground in Dallas covered with rocks?!? There was a lot of rock-throwing going on.

He was attacking his own car? The authorities have no tasers or tranquilizer darts or shooting nets (lol), something non-lethal to restrain him?

What if he had been killed for having rocks in his hands. He does look as if he would be pretty scary all pissed off and hurling rocks, but come on, shooting bullets at him?

Edit: just watched the video. Just insane.
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I had a detailed conversation with a client of mine who was a retired police chief.
His opinion of current police violence was that police departments hire too many young combat veterans.
Combat is different from police work.
In combat, you shoot first and ask questions later.
Police are pretty much supposed to do the opposite.
I had a detailed conversation with a client of mine who was a retired police chief.
His opinion of current police violence was that police departments hire too many young combat veterans.
In combat, you shoot first and ask questions later.
Police are pretty much supposed to do the opposite.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Because what combat vets want to do is carry a gun around in uniform all day.
That second half is just all sorts of hilarious. I would trust combat vets more than cops, and not just because I am a veteran.
Wot??? I have questions! Is the ground in Dallas covered with rocks?!? There was a lot of rock-throwing going on.

He was attacking his own car? The authorities have no tasers or tranquilizer darts or shooting nets (lol), something non-lethal to restrain him?

What if he had been killed for having rocks in his hands. He does look as if he would be pretty scary all pissed off and hurling rocks, but come on, shooting bullets at him?

Edit: just watched the video. Just insane.

Seriously. They shoot him 4 times, and then, because he's still moving, they shoot him FIVE MORE TIMES

Like, seriously, you can't restrain a guy who is on the ground and shot 4 times already?

look, if a guy comes at you with a big rock (there was a lot of landscaping rocks around from another video which is where he got them), I can't say I don't blame you for shooting him.

But 9 times, five after he's already down?

Nah man, that's a bad cop.
  • Gravy
Reactions: Ledboots and nukes
If I could have a life do over, it would go like this:
4 years Air Force, MP.
Get a cop job in a RICH BEACH TOWN.
Do 25 to retirement on the Don't Be A Hero plan.
Get a private security gig after that.
Boy, I could just go back in time and shake myself silly.
  • Gravy
Reactions: MacG
No way, Airforce to Masters Degree to Raytheon

that's the big money ticket
I was describing the Ultimate Slacker Ticket.
Cool fast car, free ammunition, private firing range. steady pay, free beer.
Plus, chicks dig cops.
They also dig firemen, but cop is twice the pay- and fire is extremely egalitarian;
Less chance of getting shot at in the rich town as a cop than having to enter a burning building as a fireman.
I hate cops but this shit is getting out of hand. If you don't want to be shot, tazed, or possibly killed, then just fucking comply when the cops ask you to do something

Right. Because they wear a costume they are the kings of morality and totally immune to the fuckeduppery that befalls normal humans.
Wot??? I have questions! Is the ground in Dallas covered with rocks?!? There was a lot of rock-throwing going on.

He was attacking his own car? The authorities have no tasers or tranquilizer darts or shooting nets (lol), something non-lethal to restrain him?

What if he had been killed for having rocks in his hands. He does look as if he would be pretty scary all pissed off and hurling rocks, but come on, shooting bullets at him?

Edit: just watched the video. Just insane.

We so need those shooting nets. I'd pay extra taxes for those.
  • Gravy
Reactions: Ledboots
I hate cops but this shit is getting out of hand. If you don't want to be shot, tazed, or possibly killed, then just fucking comply when the cops ask you to do something
they're cops, not judge, jury, and executioner.

and there are plenty of instances where people who DO comply, or are never even given the chance to comply, are fucking smoked on sight.
we have a justice system, fucked up though it is, for reasons, and one important reason is that death as a punishment is not something that should be taken lightly, not something that one person should get to decide on the spot.
  • Gravy
Reactions: HipHugHer
Police enforcement around the world as of late: "Let's recruit all the mentally unstable incompetent bullies without self confidence, give them gas masks to hide their identity, give them lots of guns, cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war".

I get out of the way trying not to look suspicious when I see a cop and I would try to comply anything they tell me to because bitches be trippin'.

There are great guys in the police force too, but just because that one cool tempered gator may not maul me to death I wouldn't go swimming butterfly style in a river full of gators.

Gators are one of my favorite animals. I respect them for being around for millions of years. I don't respect cops, most (NOT ALL, MOST OF THEM) are cops because they're no good at anything and bullying people behind a mask with a gun in your hand is easy. I have friends who turned out to be cops, fits the description.