NSFW last night on dis erf lol


A fragrant deposit of ass root beer
Sep 27, 2012

I made this thread BEFORE i swallowed the liver killing acetaminophen... so if you're seeing it i alresdy ate thger entire bottle

if i post again it'll be from an alternate timeline #shtidindersClit

i could only swallow 10 pills

still it should be painful, I've heard
i was shady always told Tylenol and box moze would nuke thgervliver

i feel lied tip
wtf That's more than bag half the booths bottle Ang and I'm still here WTF
Walt, if this is true please call 911 or someone you known IRL. Please. Liver failure is a horrible thing.
It's 100% true but fur some ducking resin it's not working!!!

what the hell

i ate the entire botl