Video New Star Trek deserves its own thread (Not really)

my little brony

Keep Being A Little Bitch
Oct 15, 2004
trailer for Star Trek Discovery was released today

SCREENSHOTS. Commentary from the random redditor that compiled them


New alien species, Bolians perhaps?


New robot, says "USS SHENZHOU" on the side of its head


New alien species


Lt Saru?




USS Shenzhou? Discovery?


Commander Burnham and Klingon in an Klingon spacesuit?


Another look at the space suited alien


Transporter effect


Shenzhou crew? Discovery crew? On bridge, new uniforms. Where is the rank? I only see two division colors as highlights on the uniforms: gold and silver.


New Klingons


New Klingons


Klingons also? Other alien baddies?


More Klingons?


New warp effect, nice update on the "Streaming stars"


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To start, I am perfectly fine and in fact delighted by the visual upgrade. I don't care that it looks like the 60s era aesthetic and would be annoyed if it did. The bits of lens flare got on my nerves but I'll forgive it for a nutrek style application of technology instead of pretending we have to go back to panels of multi-colored lights just to be visually consistent.

Looks like the rumors of an ancient Klingon storyline are true. I wonder if we'll see more smooth headed klingons in gold lamé or more modern looking klingons and ignoring what happened in ENT.

I guess Burnham might be half vulcan? Doesn't look it so I think it's more likely she's fully human but raised by Vulcans. That was Sarek (Spock's father) speaking, btw.

Sounds like some ADR issues in Michelle Yeoh's lines :fly:

The ship looks way too much like an Akira class. Also that isn't the Discovery, it's the Shenzhou. I'm wondering how it's going to tie into the story of the actual USS Discovery we saw in the teaser, I assume we'll see it in the pilot and Burnham will either take command or join it for some reason.

I like the transporter effect but absolutely hate the warp effect, I really hope it's different in the final cut.

Can't wait to see people cosplay those uniforms, they look fucking sharp.

The communicator sound totally tickled me but I was hoping we'd hear Majel's voice when Burnham gave the computer instructions.

That shot of them on a planet was SPECTACULAR.

"Starfleet doesn't fire first" well that's never been true :p

Anyways, looking forward to it. Can't wait to see the stories and hear duke bitch about there being too much action.
  • Gravy
Reactions: Jehannum and MadDog
I'll check it out. Hopefully DVR to annoy / compete with the dozen shows the wife records week in and week out.
Its the little things in life ya know?
  • Gravy
Reactions: my little brony
I'll check it out. Hopefully DVR to annoy / compete with the dozen shows the wife records week in and week out.
Its the little things in life ya know?

unfortunately only the first episode will be broadcast on CBS, the rest will apparently require a subscription to CBS all access

except outside of the US in which case it'll be on netflix like every other decent show

:rolleyes: shooting themselves in the foot with that one
unfortunately only the first episode will be broadcast on CBS, the rest will apparently require a subscription to CBS all access

except outside of the US in which case it'll be on netflix like every other decent show

:rolleyes: shooting themselves in the foot with that one

Wait, So I will be able to watch on Netflix or it will only be available on Netflix outside the US?
unfortunately only the first episode will be broadcast on CBS, the rest will apparently require a subscription to CBS all access

except outside of the US in which case it'll be on netflix like every other decent show

:rolleyes: shooting themselves in the foot with that one

And I'll be downloading every one for Plex.