Food The Vagatarian Thread

My grandparents owned a farm and my dad was raised on one. I don't think everyone treats them the same. There were no bellowing or crying cows at all. They did both dairy and beef depending on when. More beef just before they rented out and eventually sold after my grandfather died. I also lived on a farm in Germany in the summer for dairy cattle. Saw quite a few calves. Again though no bellowing or crying.

I'm definitely not saying you have to change your ways, but sometimes what people say about farming bugs me because while my family is a bunch of racist jerks, that is how many still make their living and how my disabled aunt was able to have a nice life and live comfortably on the sale of things after the death of her mom and dad. It was my life and I don't have any ill feelings towards farmers. In fact I spent a lot of time petting cows and just watching them grow and such both at my family's farm and in Germany. Not to mention pigs, sheep, and chickens. Okay I hate chickens. I have zero guilt about eating chickens after growing up around them. God they're stupid animals. But cows? They are sweet animals that deserve to be treated right during their lifetime.

Eat how you want to eat is my thought - don't guilt people into doing what you think is best. (that's directed at everyone here - including those poking fun at vegetarians)

Ours was beef cattle and hogs before the dairy operation. I know some of the stuff she talks about does happen at huge commercial operations but its not like every farmer or rancher is like all.
When I was 5yrs old my mom, dad and I were on our way to the Amazon for whatever fkn reason, we stopped in this little village for a few days.

My dad told my mom to take me to this "farm" to feed the animals cuz we were bored there not knowing anyone. So like a petting zoo???

So my mom and I headed there and this man was giving us a tour of the "farm" then he took us to this area that had a really bad smell.. i remember the odour was SOOO PUTRID... anyhoo, he took us to this slaughter house and I saw these cows hanging from these steal beams or rafters or something and they were being skinned
I started crying my eyes out and my mom picked me up and ran out of there

I remember it like it was yesterday

So sad.

Sent from my CEOs pretentious wine cellar
Because they are forcibly bred each year and their babies taken away immediately so their milk can be stolen and fed to humans. The cows cry and bellow for theor calves gpr days. The male calves are killed as babies for veal since they are of no use to the dairy industry.

I can respect that. Plus, milk is pretty fucking nasty on my system.

When I eat meat, I like to ensure that the animal had a reasonable life first. I may be totally hoodwinked, but I follow the Whole Foods rating system - grass-fed, pastured beef is about as low as I dip. I mean, obviously there are exceptions, as I can't be sure that the Johnsonville sausages came from pigs that led happy lives.

I get my eggs from a local source, and I know his chickens are happy, because the kids go over and play with 'em all the time.

Yeah, but I mean, veal is pretty fukin tasty tho...

I can't eat veal, as I can't stand the thought of the process to bring the cow to the table seems needlessly cruel.
What do you replace butter and eggs with in baking recipes?

Honest question.
Butter is easy, oil and/or margarine,and often I sub applesauce for some of the butter for health reasons. The only thing I haven't been able to make decent vegan are brownies.

For eggs,

Egg as binder: If eggs are binders in a recipe, it can be replaced with Arrowroot, Soy Lecithin, Flax-seed Mix, Pureed Fruits or Vegetables, Silken Tofu, Unflavored Vegetarian Gelatin Powder (agar agar). The ratio is, for every egg replaced, 1/4 cup of the substitute is used.

Egg as leavening agent: If eggs are leavening agents, Buttermilk, Yogurt, Baking Soda, Commercial Egg Replacement Powder such as Ener-G can be used.

Eggs for Moisture:

Egg for moisture: If eggs are added for moisture, Fruit Juice, Milk, Water or Pureed Fruit can be used.
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Why is Strings the only one who answered my question about butter and eggs.

I'm going with that from here on out unless I can get a better explanation.

Vegans...just a buncha hippy dippy drunks. :)
Butter simply can be replaced by vegetable oil. Applesauce works too. Got this from a friend who is allergic to dairy. No clue about eggs.

Ours was beef cattle and hogs before the dairy operation. I know some of the stuff she talks about does happen at huge commercial operations but its not like every farmer or rancher is like all.
Oh I know it happens at some places, but that's why I said not all are that way. My family's farm was rather large so we often had several types of animals on it at the same time. Only animals that weren't as well cared for were the barn cats! They would've been ignored completely if it weren't for my aunt I think lol. Now @APRIL will get all mad because we didn't care for the cats well enough.
Butter is easy, oil and/or margarine,and often I sub applesauce for some of the butter for health reasons. The only thing I haven't been able to make decent vegan are brownies.

For eggs,

Egg as binder: If eggs are binders in a recipe, it can be replaced with Arrowroot, Soy Lecithin, Flax-seed Mix, Pureed Fruits or Vegetables, Silken Tofu, Unflavored Vegetarian Gelatin Powder (agar agar). The ratio is, for every egg replaced, 1/4 cup of the substitute is used.

Egg as leavening agent: If eggs are leavening agents, Buttermilk, Yogurt, Baking Soda, Commercial Egg Replacement Powder such as Ener-G can be used.

Eggs for Moisture:

Egg for moisture: If eggs are added for moisture, Fruit Juice, Milk, Water or Pureed Fruit can be used.

Thank you. I was honestly curious.
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Butter simply can be replaced by vegetable oil. Applesauce works too. Got this from a friend who is allergic to dairy. No clue about eggs.

Oh I know it happens at some places, but that's why I said not all are that way. My family's farm was rather large so we often had several types of animals on it at the same time. Only animals that weren't as well cared for were the barn cats! They would've been ignored completely if it weren't for my aunt I think lol. Now @APRIL will get all mad because we didn't care for the cats well enough.

If you've got grain, livestock feed, etc. around, the cats live on mice. :)
Not sure how many Vegetarians we have here, I do know @Ledboots is Vegan... right?

I have been researching this for sometime now and I'm leaning more and more towards this lifestyle.
I know i can totally live with out red meat, pork and poultry... but fish is so hard for me to walk away from. can i be a vegetarian and still eat fish? i guess not be a STRICT Vegetarian...
I know that this is a touchy subject amongst strict vegetarians.

i know Vegans do not consume meat, eggs, milk, honey or any food that is derived from animals. Do not eat meat or fish. Eating vegan has major cholesterol benefits as well.
I love love love love vegetables so much (except carrots) I love the vegetarian recipes out there ! they look so fun and tasty.

PLUS: i don't want to eat poor little animals any more :(


what are your thoughts on this? Pros and Cons?

disclaimer: I understand this isnt for everyone so if you're going to be negative and an asshole about it please post elsewhere... Im looking for serious constructive feedback (good or bad) but just don't be an asshole.. you know who you are.
Yay! Pros: health, environment (giving up meat is better environmentally than giving up driving a big SUV), contributing less to animal cruelty. No stinky garbage, no worries about food poisoning.

Cons: harder to eat out in restaurants, especially if you don't eat dairy. Eating at other people's homes for dinner (I usually bring stuff after clearing it with the host). People being dicks about it--I don't ever say I am vegan even though I eat that way and avoid leather, wool, silk, etc. I say 'vegetarian' because if I say 'vegan', people get really mean, and I don't like arguing. Despite this thread...

If you want to eat fish and no other meat, you'll be a pescetarian, which is also a very healthy diet. That chart that you posted is interesting but overly complicated. I have others that are good, but can't post the stupid image from my phone for some reason.

Make sure you eat enough calories if you decide to transition yout eating habits. A common mistake is eating too little, since the food is bulkier and fills you up more. The added fiber you will be eating could help your digestive problems as well.
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I noticed people's posts turning moody shortly after we (FBK) joined the last forum too.
some people are just 24/7 trolly, and if anyone responds whether being cranky because they're sick of getting shit on with every post, or even just in kind with an insult back, we're crying snowflakes who can't handle it. it is a way more negative atmosphere, and I'm sure part of it is just we're not tight yet. I have friends IRL that I'm close with and we communicate by insulting each other and being dicks, but we know each other well enough to gauge it. I have other friends I'd never greet with a "hey, asshole" because we're not there as friends, ya dig? and the negativity gets old. it's not that I "can't handle" it, it's that I don't want to handle it. my household growing up was negative, my decade-long relationship was negative, I spent more than ten years posting on a forum that might be one of the most negative places on the internet and in fact THRIVED on negativity. I'm over it, I've done my time, and while we have our spats here, that was not the overall atmosphere.

heck, @Amstel and I butt heads over tons of things, but neither of us go out of our way to be particularly rude to each other outside of specific heated arguments.